Costs of Freedom

Costs of Freedom


"Empowerment Through Knowledge: Unlock Your Potential"

Welcome to the Journey of Enlightenment

Sequi Lux

Per Umbra

Primum ad Ultimum

Heri et Cras

Follow the Light

Through the Shadows

First to Last

Yesterday and Tomorrow

The Quest for Truth and Freedom

The world seemed black & white

What's wrong? What's right?

There was Darkness

There was Light

Then there was nothing

Not life, Not death.

Something between… Between what?

What's between nothing & everything?

Is it Heaven? - Is it Hell?

Which is right? Which is wrong?

What is Darkness?

What is Light?

Are both one in the same? - Are both non-existent?

Was it Darkness first? - Was it Light first?

Is right wrong? - Is wrong right?

Why Heaven above, Hell below?

Why not Hell above, Heaven below?

What is free will?

Does free will exist without free choice?

Are we free? - What is free?

Can you be free if you're always owned?

Can you really be free?


Was it the Ember or the Flame first?

What is fire?

Is Destruction - Chaos? - Is Chaos - Destruction?

Can Chaos & Destruction be good?

It is said the Phoenix rises from the Ashes… Are we the Phoenix?

By causing Chaos and Destruction, therefore setting Fire & creating Ashes!

Can we as the Phoenix rise over the Illusion of free will & free choice?

Can we move beyond what is Heaven & Hell?

Back to nothing?

Walk through Darkness…

Discover the Light…

Learn what's right & what's wrong…

Be Free.

We are One. We all bleed red. We live. We die. 

We laugh. We cry. We hate. We love.

We’re all different yet the same.

So I ask why are we divided?

We all want the same things…

Too live happy full lives. Filled with family and friends.

Adventures and small things.

We want to be free to control our lives. We want to not be owned by anyone.

We want to learn more about everything. We want to discover the undiscovered.

We want to know about the unknown. We want to make impossible possible.

All is possible except for the simple fact that we are too blind and full of fear.

We are so divided we don’t know up from down or left to right.

We hardly even question right and wrong… It’s more like “Does this benefit me?”

We still see each other by our looks rather than who we are.

We judge long before we know & always turn the other cheek.

We get told how to live, how to speak, what to eat & who to be.

Yet we’re told we’re free.

Do you feel free?

I don’t feel free.

Do we have free will without free choice?

Why are they always right and we’re wrong? 

Why does it always come back to money?

What is money really?

It’s paper.

Why does paper control life?

Why do we let money rule us?

Technically you would say we are ruled by our government. 

“Technically”  speaking you are right.

But you’re also wrong. How so you wonder?

Because we elected our own people to govern us.

They do govern us, but that was before money played its’ hand.

Now that money has played its’ hand it has a Royal Flush & the government has a simple Pair of Jacks.

Money won, Government lost & in this high stakes game called Life, We the people were the Pot.

So we can now understand how we came to be fatefully ruled unchallenged by Money!!!

We say we’re free but we’re not & we won’t ever be.

Until we stop seeing only the way others look,

‘Til we stop judging before we know,

‘Til we stop turning the other cheek.

We need to stop fighting each other over petty things that at its’ core involves Money.

We need to work together and overcome our fear, our blindness.

We need to begin using our voice and be heard.

We need a rebirth.

We no longer understand right & wrong.

We fight over Heaven & Hell, rather than going through Heaven & Hell for each other.

Only through Chaos & Destruction can we set a Fire creating Ashes & Embers.

Allowing for there to be a rebirth; In which we will be the Phoenix rising from the Ashes & for the first time be truly FREE…

Now you know the Cost,

Are you ready to pay the price?

Chaos and Destruction
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